I want to be at peace with myself. I seek the harmony within, by which I know that all is well, and that I am in full accord in every part. I know myself as ONE, with many faculties, and endless powers, if I use them aright. I would not be disturbed by the rush and noise of life, seeking the perfect repose by which I remain at peace and quiet, no matter what goes on around me.
I am my own master, and will not permit my emotions to control me, or my passions to rise so high as to destroy my composure.
I am not made anxious by any thought that rises from my subconscious past, any unpleasantness of the present or fear of the future. I put aside with a smile every accidental suggestion which does not serve my purpose. I am in peace, at ease, because I am my better self, controlled and directed by my Spirit, which is the image of God within me.
I know myself, and seeing my weaknesses, I control them through the Spirit, by the ever ready aid of God. I know Him as my Support and Help and that gives me the sureness through which I am not moved to lose my hold upon my temper, or my feelings. I am at peace within, because I am ever at peace with all men and woimen, and will not quarrel, for nothing is worth an evil, hateful thought. I am at peace, because I feel that I am working with the laws of God, and that He too is working with me, because I am at peace.
I may do much, through love, through kindness and consideration. I can do little through force, or harshness. Through right thinking and doing good, I increase the peace within and add to good will all about me. I seek and pursue peace, through the inspiration of God.
Contribute a translation | Source (English) |
Give me, O Lord, peace of Soul! Make all my powers of Spirit so strong that I can rule myself in greater harmony. | |
Help me to control my passions, every moment, so that I shall not err. | |
Let my Spirit grow so strong, that it shall keep my judgment clear, my body virile, and ever at command. | |
Help me, O God, to better the direction of every faculty, so that I gain that peace within, which keeps me eager, yet quiet, confident, but humble, because I am not yet perfected in every part. | |
Attune my heart to willing obedience to every fine suggestion of the great souls inspired by Thee, learning from the higher harmony of Spirit, mind and body. | |
Give me of Thy grace, that I may check each evil impulse, and so master myself that I am more worthy of Thine aid and nearness. | |
Let me find peace in greater sense of right, and keener perception of truth. | |
Make me Thine own in Spirit and all must be well! Amen. |
This untitled prayer by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy accompanied his short essay, “Peace within” found in The Helpful Manual (Centre of Jewish Science, 1927), pp. 17-18.

““Give me peace of soul” a prayer for self-control by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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