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“Give me peace of soul” a prayer for self-control by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)


I want to be at peace with myself. I seek the harmony within, by which I know that all is well, and that I am in full accord in every part. I know myself as ONE, with many faculties, and endless powers, if I use them aright. I would not be disturbed by the rush and noise of life, seeking the perfect repose by which I remain at peace and quiet, no matter what goes on around me.

I am my own master, and will not permit my emotions to control me, or my passions to rise so high as to destroy my composure.

I am not made anxious by any thought that rises from my subconscious past, any unpleasantness of the present or fear of the future. I put aside with a smile every accidental suggestion which does not serve my purpose. I am in peace, at ease, because I am my better self, controlled and directed by my Spirit, which is the image of God within me.

I know myself, and seeing my weaknesses, I control them through the Spirit, by the ever ready aid of God. I know Him as my Support and Help and that gives me the sureness through which I am not moved to lose my hold upon my temper, or my feelings. I am at peace within, because I am ever at peace with all men and woimen, and will not quarrel, for nothing is worth an evil, hateful thought. I am at peace, because I feel that I am working with the laws of God, and that He too is working with me, because I am at peace.

I may do much, through love, through kindness and consideration. I can do little through force, or harshness. Through right thinking and doing good, I increase the peace within and add to good will all about me. I seek and pursue peace, through the inspiration of God.


Contribute a translationSource (English)
Give me, O Lord, peace of Soul!
Make all my powers of Spirit
so strong
that I can rule myself
in greater harmony.
Help me to control my passions,
every moment,
so that I shall not err.
Let my Spirit grow
so strong,
that it shall keep my judgment clear,
my body virile,
and ever at command.
Help me, O God,
to better the direction of every faculty,
so that I gain that peace within,
which keeps me eager, yet quiet,
confident, but humble,
because I am not yet perfected
in every part.
Attune my heart
to willing obedience
to every fine suggestion
of the great souls inspired by Thee,
learning from the higher harmony
of Spirit, mind and body.
Give me of Thy grace,
that I may check each evil impulse,
and so master myself
that I am more worthy
of Thine aid and nearness.
Let me find peace
in greater sense of right,
and keener perception of truth.
Make me
Thine own in Spirit
and all must be well!

This untitled prayer by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy accompanied his short essay, “Peace within” found in The Helpful Manual (Centre of Jewish Science, 1927), pp. 17-18.




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